Era il 1938 playlist
It was 1938
Starting with Agata, a well-known piece by two of the inventors of the modern Neapolitan song, Giuseppe Cioffi and Gigi Pisano, and the flagship piece for the unforgettable Nino Taranto, we thought of retracing an important year for Italian song, which was 1938. The year of the first competition for new voices announced by EIAR but also the last year of peace before Europe was once again devastated by the Second World War. In Italy, Rabagliati had not yet become a phenomenon and the names of the radio idols were Carlo Moreno, Luciana Dolliver, Vittorio Belleli, as well as the Lescano sisters. Italian record companies, by then increasingly industrial, hosted all the sacred monsters of show business in their studios and the catalogues show a growing presence of recordings by Vittorio De Sica and Odoardo Spadaro, as well as the most popular Italian singer, Carlo Buti. Vaudeville was celebrating the latest hits by Isa Bluette who, only a year later, died young following a brief illness. The long wave usually reserved for songs destined to remain timeless meant that the song most sung by Italians continued to be Tornerai by maestro Dino Olivieri, released in 1937. Cole Porter songs and animated Walt Disney films were arriving from the United States. Both for the first and the film music (as the regime wanted it said) of the second, the Italian songwriters knew how to put together really catchy songs and hits.