Io la canto così playlist
This is the way i sing it!
During the 1960s and early 70s, the Italian music scene was invaded by a number of novel trends from England and the US. And yet not a few of our artists (including Connie Francis, born Concetta Rosa Maria Franconero to Italian parents) decided to look back to the more or less recent past of Italian ‘light music’, a genre that included several covers of foreign songs that had become famous in those years. Some singers pursued this style by changing the rhythm and character of the originals, while others reproduced them more faithfully, adding only the features of their personal singing styles. Others again wished to imitate them almost philologically so as not to lose the least trace of those hits. And so the tendency to take certain songs from the past as true standards was gaining ground in Italy (a development that would come to fruition above all in the 90s). This trend had already been established in the US, where some of the most famous songs of the 30s and 40s were taken up again and again by many artists, often re-proposed in the style of jazz, with felicitous results, given this genre’s ability to enhance a song’s harmonic and melodic qualities. In what follows we note the name of the artist who first recorded each song (when it has been possible to do so) and the year of its release.