Napoli piange playlist
Naples is crying
In this playlist, tears are generated by the torments of love, love that ends, love that disappears, love that lasts only a summer, love that breaks hearts and leaves signs of deep pain. Bascially, it is the traditional repertoire of the flip side of love, the unresolved and unhappy side, where perfumed May is only a bearer of anxiety and not bright mornings together with the loved one. With two exceptions. The first is Lassame perdere, a song that recounts the dramatic family events of the protagonist, adding the awareness of a love that is over. The second is Lacreme napulitane, some of the most famous tears in the history of the Neapolitan song, tears not linked to love for a man or a woman, but deeply connected to the painful nostalgia of the emigrant in America. With Christmas approaching, he feels the regret of not being in Naples, next to his loved ones, even more deeply. To the point of asking them to put a dish on the table for him too, for the Christmas Eve dinner.