Novene pive e zampogne playlist
Novenas, pivas and zampognas
In this anthology we celebrate the popular Christmas, when the tree had not yet surpassed the nativity scene and the international hits that fill radio, TV and shopping malls had yet to arrive. An ancient Christmas, characterized by the unmistakable sound of the zampogna (piva, cornamusa or bagpipe), which played novenas and pastorals often paired with the ciaramella, sometimes with just a solo voice on top. This sound still echoes today throughout all or almost all regions of Italy, although the most represented here are Sicily, Campania and Lombardy with traditional instrumental pieces, on whose modules the performers elaborate the melody (often that of Tu scendi dale stelle) with their own personal signatures. But there are also original songs, chorales, and intermezzos played in the style of piazza spectacle and irreverent parodies to the rhythm of rock 'n' roll.