Preghiere e incitamenti playlist
Prayers and exhortations
Prayers have a special place in the patriotic repertoire, especially in a country where Catholicism has been rooted for centuries and popular devotion often overlaps with national sentiment. This anthology includes rare recordings mostly from the fascist era. However, here the propaganda component is only shamed in a few titles where Il Duce (Mussolini) is explicitly mentioned. For the rest, these are choral songs, also sung by treble voices, in which the religious inspiration focuses on the universal sentiment of the homeland, in an era in when the concept of national unity itself was very precarious and needed to be constantly reinforced and modernized. One more reason to propose these songs in a time that has equally precarious characteristics, when Italians are rediscovering common values by also resorting to collective performances such as hymns and folk songs. Some titles manage to evoke sadly current images (the heroes who died for Italy). Others have the children of Italy as their subject, and still others focus on saints or financiers, or more simply, the beloved woman. The final sequence - the last four tracks - includes marches of pride and self-esteem which praise the intrepid nature of the Italian people, their indomitable character and the beauty of Italy. An injection of confidence for the country, regardless of when these songs saw the light of day.