Un saluto al sole playlist
A tribute to the sun
Like other manifestations in nature such as rain, the moon, swallows, and roses, in the world of song, the sun also becomes a precise symbol.
Not only is it a question of singing about it to exalt its capacity to make us feel reinvigorated when the warm weather returns, but also to associate it with love’s best moments, when the two lovers rejoice in each other and their harmonious feelings.
And if the sun is grey, as Roberto Murolo sings, naturally it’s not only because clouds are obscuring the clear sky, but because the love object is no longer there and her return always coincides with the return of the good weather.
But it can also happen that, even in good weather with the sun growing warmer, the lover finds himself alone at the end, as in the case of Adelio Zagonara and his È ritornato il sole.
We couldn’t leave out the most classic of invocations to the pure and simple beauty of the sun and its ability, in the summer, to bestow the serenity of good weather that immediately transfers to the serenity of the human soul, and we are obviously talking about 'O sole mio.
We are listening to a Dutch vocal group perform it, the Four Rhythm Aces, who, in the stylistic wake of similar American ensembles, interpret it by singing it in Italian and then making the sound of the various instruments that perform the verse and refrain of the song.