Un’orchestra nella sera playlist
An orchestra in the evening
In the 1930s and 1940s, orchestras were of fundamental importance in the world of Italian light music. The singers were considered a part of the orchestra, only a small step higher than the musicians, and often their performances were reduced to a few bars, preceded and followed by long introductions and orchestral epilogues. The conductor was the true dominus of the situation, and the group of singers who made records with their orchestras highly coveted those positions, with one or the other selected for the sessions in the recording studio. Then things changed and the situation reversed, thanks to the great popularity that the individual singers achieved. It was above all thanks to the Sanremo Festival, where they became the true stars of the moment, obscuring the figure of the orchestra conductor. The musical story in this playlist presents the orchestras in a series of recordings that are strictly instrumental, to show that evolution, and create a sort of ideal soundtrack for a dance evening, going from tango to fox trot, rhumba, and mambo, with some moments of to pure entertainment, such as the curious version of Canta lo sciatore. Gorni Kramer starts the dancing, and ends it too, because the Remark at the end of the playlist is none other than his surname read in the opposite direction.